How to Convert Your Generator from Petrol to Gas [Step-by-Step]

If you own a generator and are looking to save on fuel costs while reducing emissions, converting your generator from petrol to gas might be the ideal solution. Switching to gas not only benefits the environment but also offers significant cost savings in the long run.

In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of converting your generator to run on gas, covering all the essential details you need to know.

How to Convert Your Generator from Petrol to Gas [Step-by-Step]

1. Assessing the Compatibility

Before embarking on the conversion process, it is crucial to check whether your generator is compatible with gas conversion. Most modern generators are designed to be adaptable, but it is always best to consult the manufacturer’s manual or a certified technician for confirmation.

2. Gathering the Necessary Tools and Parts

To successfully convert your generator to run on gas, you will need specific tools and parts. This includes a conversion kit, which typically contains a regulator, carburetor adapter, and other essential components. Ensure that you purchase a high-quality conversion kit to guarantee a smooth and efficient conversion.

3. Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a top priority when working with generators and fuel sources. Before beginning the conversion, make sure to disconnect the generator from the power source and allow it to cool down completely. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area and keep fire extinguishing equipment nearby.

4. Removing the Petrol Components

The next step involves removing the petrol-related components from your generator, such as the fuel tank and carburetor. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly, and keep track of each component for easy reassembly later.

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5. Installing the Conversion Kit

With the petrol components removed, it’s time to install the conversion kit. Start by attaching the carburetor adapter and regulator to the generator’s engine. Ensure that all connections are secure and tight.

6. Connecting the Gas Source

Next, you will need to connect the gas source to the generator’s conversion kit. This can be either a natural gas line or a propane tank, depending on your preference and availability. Follow the guidelines provided in the conversion kit for proper connection.

7. Testing and Adjustment

Once the conversion is complete, it’s essential to conduct a thorough testing and adjustment process. Start the generator and observe its performance, checking for any potential leaks or issues. If necessary, make adjustments to the carburetor settings to optimize the gas flow.

8. Regular Maintenance

After a successful conversion, your generator will now be running on gas efficiently. However, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure its continued performance and longevity. Regularly inspect the gas lines, regulator, and other components for any signs of wear or damage.

9. Benefits of Gas Conversion

Converting your generator from petrol to gas offers numerous benefits. Not only will you save significantly on fuel costs, but gas is also a cleaner and more environmentally friendly option. Additionally, gas-powered generators tend to require less maintenance, making them a more economical choice in the long term.

10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it safe to convert my generator to run on gas?

Yes, it is safe to convert your generator to run on gas if done correctly and following all safety guidelines. However, we recommend seeking professional assistance if you are unsure of the process.

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Q: Will converting to gas affect my generator’s performance?

No, converting to gas should not negatively impact your generator’s performance. In fact, gas-powered generators are known for their smooth and reliable operation.

Q: Can I switch back to petrol after the conversion?

Yes, in most cases, you can switch back to petrol by simply removing the conversion kit. However, it is essential to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for the specific model of your generator.

Q: How much can I save on fuel costs with a gas-powered generator?

The exact savings will depend on factors such as gas prices and your generator’s usage. On average, gas-powered generators can save you up to 30% on fuel costs compared to petrol.

Q: Can I perform the conversion myself, or should I hire a professional?

While it is possible to perform the conversion yourself, we recommend hiring a certified technician for the best results and safety assurance.

Q: Are conversion kits readily available in the market?

Yes, conversion kits are widely available at hardware stores, online retailers, and generator supply shops.


Converting your generator from petrol to gas is a rewarding and eco-friendly choice that offers substantial benefits. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can successfully convert your generator and enjoy long-term fuel cost savings and reduced emissions.

Always prioritize safety and seek professional help if needed. Make the switch today and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

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