How Can I Reject Admission After Accepting it?

Congratulations on receiving an admission offer! It’s an exciting moment when your hard work and dedication are rewarded. However, circumstances may arise where you find yourself needing to reject an admission offer you had previously accepted. In this article, we will explore the process of rejecting admission after accepting it and provide guidance on how to handle this situation.

Understanding the Admission Acceptance Process

When you receive an admission offer, it typically comes with a deadline to accept or decline the offer. Accepting the offer often involves submitting a formal acceptance letter or completing an online acceptance process. By accepting the offer, you indicate your intention to enroll in the program and secure your place.

Reasons for Wanting to Reject Admission

There can be various reasons for reconsidering your decision to accept an admission offer. Some common reasons include:

  • Change in Circumstances: Personal or professional circumstances may have changed since accepting the offer, making it difficult or impractical to pursue the program.
  • Financial Considerations: Unforeseen financial challenges may have arisen, making it financially burdensome to attend the program.
  • Better Opportunity: You may have received a more favorable offer from another institution or program that better aligns with your goals and aspirations.
  • Personal Factors: Personal reasons, such as health issues or family obligations, may require you to reassess your ability to commit to the program.
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Steps to Reject Admission

If you find yourself needing to reject an admission offer after accepting it, here are some steps to follow:

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You Can Reject an Accepted Offer Through the JAMB Rejection of Admission

A candidate who wishes to reject admission after accepting one needs to take the following steps:


  1. Visit the institution that offered you the first admission
  2. You may need to talk to the admission officer/officer on the issue
  3. The school will prepare what is called a rejection of admission letter
  4. This letter will be submitted (usually by the institution) to the nearest JAMB office
  5. The board will look into this and reject your offer on the JAMB portal
  6. After this, the portal will be made open to any other school that wishes to offer you admission


The procedures above testify to the fact that once you accept an offer on JAMB CAPS, you can’t reject it again by yourself. You have to go through the school that offered the course and the JAMB office.

Reject an Accepted Offer Using JAMB Regularization

Let’s say you’re already been offered admission by an institution other than the one you accepted earlier. This admission is already certain. You may skip the procedures above right now and attend the new school that offers you admission instead.

While at the new institution, you will contact your admission officer on this issue. They will ask you to do JAMB regularization which will strictly be a change of admission.

To do this,

  1. You’ll visit the nearest CBT center or the JAMB office close to you
  2. You’ll be required to pay for an application for the CHANGE OF ADMISSION
  3. An indemnity form will be given to you after the submission
  4. This will be taken to the school you’re already attending
  5. The admission officer or registrar will accept this, sign it, and forward it to JAMB
  6. After the approval by the board, a notice of approval will be sent to you through the email you used
  7. Then, you can print a new admission letter bearing the attending school.
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Can I Reject Admission After Accepting it?

Yes, it is possible to reject an admission offer after accepting it. While it is not an ideal situation, unforeseen circumstances or changes in personal circumstances may necessitate such a decision. It is important to handle the process professionally, communicating your decision promptly and respectfully to the admissions office.


Deciding to reject an admission offer after accepting it can be a difficult and sensitive decision. However, life is full of unexpected changes, and it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and future goals. By following the appropriate steps, communicating respectfully, and considering the consequences, you can navigate this situation in the most appropriate manner.


  1. Can I reject an admission offer after the acceptance deadline has passed? While it is best to communicate your decision before the acceptance deadline, some institutions may still consider your request to reject admission. Reach out to the admissions office as soon as possible and explain your circumstances.
  2. Will rejecting an admission offer affect my future applications? Rejecting an admission offer should not have a direct negative impact on your future applications. Admissions committees understand that circumstances change, and they evaluate applicants based on their qualifications and fit for the program.
  3. Do I need to provide a reason for rejecting the admission offer? Providing a reason for rejecting the admission offer is not mandatory. However, if you feel comfortable sharing the reason, you can mention it in a professional and concise manner.
  4. Can I reapply to the same institution in the future after rejecting their offer? Yes, you can reapply to the same institution in the future. Keep in mind that the admission decision will be based on your qualifications and the competitiveness of the applicant pool at that time.
  5. Is it common to reject an admission offer after accepting it? While it is not a common occurrence, situations arise where applicants need to reject an admission offer after accepting it. Institutions understand that circumstances can change, and they usually handle such requests professionally.

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